Every Saturday morning, get one profit-boosting tip to supercharge your product launch and fill your pipeline – all in under 3 minutes.
Ever had a “million-dollar idea” in the shower, only to realize it’s worth about as much as a wet bar of soap?
Yeah, we’ve all been there. But what if I told you there’s a way to test your product idea BEFORE you spend months building it?
Enter: The $100 Pre-Launch Challenge.
Now, before you start checking your couch cushions for loose change, let me explain. This isn’t about spending $100. It’s about MAKING $100 with nothing but an idea and a healthy dose of chutzpah.
Now, here’s where the rubber meets the road:
If you hit $100 in pre-orders within 24 hours, congratulations! You’ve got validation that people are willing to pay for your idea. Time to build that product!
If you don’t… well, you’ve just saved yourself months of work on a product nobody wants. And all it cost you was a day of hustle and maybe some mild embarrassment. Cheap at twice the price, I’d say!
But wait, there’s more! (Always wanted to say that.)
Now, I know what some of you are thinking:
“But what if I take people’s money and then can’t deliver?”
First off, good on you for having a conscience. You’re already ahead of 83% of internet marketers. (I made up that stat, but you get the point.)
Here’s the deal: If you hit your goal and decide to move forward, great! Build that product and make it amazing. If you don’t, or if you realize you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, simply refund everyone’s money with a nice note explaining the situation. Most people will appreciate your honesty, and some might even offer to beta test your next idea.
So, are you ready to take the $100 Pre-Launch Challenge? It’s time to turn that shower thought into cold, hard cash. Or at least into valuable market insights. Either way, you win!
Now go forth and pre-launch! Your future product empire awaits.
Until next Saturday, happy challenging!
Ortega Ogomigo
P.S. Did you try the challenge? Hit reply and tell me how it went. Whether you made $1000 or $0, I want to hear about it. Best story gets featured in next week’s newsletter. (Warning: Embellishments will be met with good-natured mockery.)