"Turning NEW Email Subscribers Into Clients IN 7 Days "

By: Ortega Ogomigo

13 October, 2024

I pause, noticing a student in the back row surreptitiously checking his phone.

“Ah, I see Mr. Zuckerberg’s creation has graced us with its presence. You there, with the glowing rectangle. What’s your name?”

The student looks up, startled. “Uh, Jake.”

“Well, Jake, since you seem so interested in social media, how about you give us an example of a welcome message you’ve received recently that actually caught your attention?

And if you can’t think of one, that tells us something too, doesn’t it?”

Jake thinks for a moment. “Well, there was this one from a podcast I subscribed to.

The subject line was

‘We’re not saying we’ll release your family, but…'”

I clap my hands together.


That’s exactly the kind of pattern interrupt we’re looking for.

Jake, your assignment for tomorrow is to come up with three more subject lines in that vein, related to your own field of interest.

And put that phone to good use – research some top-performing email subject lines while you’re at it.”

I turn back to the class at large.

“Now, let’s get everyone involved.

I want you all to pair up and spend the next two minutes coming up with the most outrageous, attention-grabbing subject line you can think of for your welcome email. Go!”


The room buzzes with conversation and laughter for two minutes.

“Time’s up! Let’s hear some of these gems. Who wants to go first?”

A hand shoots up.

“Our subject line is:

‘Congratulations! You’ve just won a lifetime supply of… EMAILS!'”

Another student chimes in.

“We’ve got:

‘Warning: This email may contain traces of success and a generous sprinkling of dad jokes.'”

I nod approvingly.

“Excellent work, everyone.

You’re starting to get the hang of it.

Remember, the goal is to stand out in a crowded inbox.

Your subject line is like the cover of a book – it needs to make them want to open it.”

I write on the board:


“Now, let’s talk about how to maintain that curiosity throughout your welcome sequence.

Days 3 and 4 are crucial for this.

On Day 3, we’re going to agitate their problem.”

I draw a stick figure with a storm cloud over its head.

“Your subscribers joined your list for a reason.

They have a problem they want to solve.

On Day 3, you’re going to remind them of that problem – but with a twist.

Instead of just stating the problem, you’re going to tell a story that makes them feel it.”

I start writing an example on the board:

Subject: The day I lost $10,000 (and how you can avoid my mistake)

Hey [Name],

Remember that story I told you about ripping my pants on stage? Well, buckle up, because things are about to get a whole lot worse.

See, after that humiliating moment, I decided I needed to get in shape fast. Like, superhero-origin-story fast. So I did what any desperate person would do: I fell for a scam.

$10,000 and one “miracle” workout program later, I was no closer to my goals. But I did learn a valuable lesson…

I turn back to the class.

“See what we’re doing here?

We’re not just telling them they have a problem.

We’re showing them the consequences of not solving that problem.

We’re making them feel it.”

“Now, who can tell me what we should do on Day 4?”

A student raises her hand.

“Offer the solution?”

“Close, but not quite.

On Day 4, we’re going to tease the solution.

We want to build anticipation, create that itch they just have to scratch. Like this:”

I continue writing on the board:

Subject: The weird trick that turned my fitness journey around

Hey [Name],

After burning $10,000 on that scam program, I was ready to give up. But then I stumbled upon a strange technique that changed everything.

It didn't involve any fancy equipment.

 It didn't require hours in the gym.

 In fact, it only took 5 minutes a day.

But here's the kicker: it wasn't just about fitness. This technique revolutionized every aspect of my life. My relationships improved. My business took off. Even my dog started behaving better (okay, that last one might be a stretch).

Tomorrow, I'm going to reveal exactly what this technique is and how you can start using it immediately. But for now, I want you to think:

What's the one area of your life you'd most like to improve? Hit reply and let me know. Your answer might just win you a free coaching session with yours truly.

Talk soon,

[Your Name]

P.S. Seriously, this technique is so simple you'll kick yourself for not thinking of it sooner. Can you guess what it is?

I step back from the board. “Now, who can tell me why this email works?”

Several hands go up. I point to a student in the middle.


“It creates suspense. It makes us want to know what the technique is.”

“Exactly! What else?”

Another student:

“It also asks for engagement by getting us to reply with our biggest challenge.”

“Spot on! Anything else?”

A third student:

“It promises value in the next email, so we’re more likely to open it.”

“Brilliant observations, all of you!

This email does several things:

  1. It continues our story arc
  2. It hints at a solution without revealing it
  3. It creates anticipation for the next email
  4. It asks for engagement, starting a two-way conversation
  5. It offers a potential reward for that engagement

I write these points on the board.

“This, my friends, is how you keep your subscribers not just opening your emails, but actively looking forward to them. You’re not just sending emails; you’re creating a story they want to be part of.”

I look around the room, seeing engaged faces and furious note-taking.

“Now, for your homework tonight, I want each of you to craft your Day 3 and Day 4 emails.

Remember, Day 3 is about agitating the problem, and Day 4 is about teasing the solution.

And don’t forget Jake’s special assignment!”

I wink at Jake, who gives a sheepish grin.

“Tomorrow, we’ll dive into Days 5, 6, and 7, where we’ll finally reveal our solution and make our offer.

But here’s a teaser: it involves a technique so powerful, it might just be illegal in some states.

Class dismissed!”

As the students pack up, chattering excitedly about their assignments, I can’t help but smile. They’re not just learning about email marketing; they’re learning how to connect with their audience in a meaningful way. And that, after all, is what great marketing is all about.


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