"Finally, A Sales Book For People Who Hate Sales Books"

Hey there,

I’m about to do something monumentally stupid.

I’m going to try to sell you a sales book.

Now, before you reach for that little ‘x’ in the corner of your browser (I see you hovering), let me be clear:

This isn’t just ANY sales book.

This is a sales book for people who would rather perform their own root canal than read a sales book.

It’s called “SELLING TO SKEPTICS: How to Win Over the ‘I’ve Heard It All Before’ Crowd (Without Losing Your Soul or Dignity in the Process)”

And if you're still reading, I'm betting you fall into one of these categories:

  1. You secretly kind of want to get better at sales, but you’d rather die than admit it.
  2. You’re so skeptical that you’re reading this just to see how badly I’ll fail at selling you.
  3. You’re my mom. (Hi, Mom! Thanks for the support, but please stop buying my books.)

So let me tell you what this book is NOT:

  • It’s not a collection of cheesy scripts that’ll make you sound like a used car salesman on steroids.
  • It’s not a ra-ra motivational seminar in print form that’ll have you chanting affirmations in the mirror.
  • It’s not a magic bullet that’ll turn you into a sales god overnight. (If that’s what you want, I hear Gary’s got some oceanfront property in Arizona he’d like to sell you.)

What it IS, is a painfully honest, occasionally hilarious, and surprisingly effective guide to selling to people who are just as skeptical as you are.

Inside, you'll discover things like:

  • The “Anti-Pitch” Pitch: Why telling people NOT to buy can skyrocket your sales. (Yes, I’m doing it right now. Yes, it’s working. No, I won’t stop.)
  • The “Transparency Gambit”: How admitting your weaknesses can actually boost your credibility. (For example, I’m terrible at parallel parking and I once set my kitchen on fire trying to boil water.)
  • The “Skeptic’s Paradox”: The psychological trick that makes resistance melt away. (It’s like Inception, but legal and without Leonardo DiCaprio.)

But here’s the kicker:

I don’t want you to buy this book.

At least, not yet.

Instead, I want you to do something for me:

Go to your bookshelf (or Kindle library, you modern marvel, you) and look at all the sales books you’ve bought over the years.

You know, the ones gathering dust or taking up valuable storage space on your device.

Now, ask yourself: How many of those have you actually read cover to cover? How many have genuinely changed the way you sell?

If the answer is “all of them,” then congratulations! You’re either a liar or Gary. Either way, this book isn’t for you.

But if you’re honest with yourself and realize that most of those books are just expensive paperweights, then maybe — just maybe — you’re ready for something different.

Something that doesn’t make you want to take a shower after reading it.

Something that might actually work in the real world, where prospects are more jaded than a gemstone convention.

If that sounds like something you might be interested in, then… well, I guess you’ll just have to buy the book to find out.

Or don’t. Remember, I don’t want you to buy it. (See what I did there? That’s the “Anti-Pitch” Pitch in action. It’s in Chapter 3. But you’ll never know unless you… no, I’m not going to say it again.)

The choice is yours.

But choose wisely. Your sales career — and your self-respect — might just depend on it.

Oh, and it’s $17.

Why $17? Because $16.99 sounds like I’m trying too hard, and $17.01 is just weird.

Still not convinced? Good. You’re learning already.

Skeptically yours, 

Ortega Ogomigo

P.S. If you buy this book and hate it, I’ll refund your money. But if you buy it and love it, I’ll… well, I’ll be mildly surprised and slightly concerned about your mental state. But I’ll take it as a win.

P.P.S. Remember: $17 is less than you’d spend on a fancy coffee and a muffin. Except this won’t give you caffeine jitters or end up as crumbs in your car. Unless you read while eating muffins in your car. Which I don’t recommend. But who am I to judge? I’m just a guy trying to sell you a book about not selling. Welcome to the twilight zone of sales, my friend.

Click the [BUY NOW BUTTON] (Or don’t. I’m not your boss.)